Transport, Economy, Environment and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee

8 July 2024


Work Programme


1.0          Purpose of Report

1.1         The report gives Members the opportunity to be updated on work programme items and review the shape of the work ahead.



2.0          Remaining TEEE O&S Committee dates and Mid-Cycle Briefing dates for 2024/2025

2.1             Committee Meetings

·           Thursday 17 October 2024 at 10am

·           Thursday 30 January 2025 at 10am

·           Thursday 24 April 2025 at 10am


2.2       Mid Cycle Briefing Dates 

·           Wednesday 18 September 2024 at 10am

·           Thursday 5 December 2024 at 10am

·           Thursday 27 February 2025 at 10am


2.3       Please note that the Mid Cycle Briefings are not public meetings and are attended by the Chair, Vice-Chair and Spokespersons for the political groups. These meetings are used to develop the committee work programme and determine the scheduling of key items.


3.0          Committee Remit


3.1       Scrutiny Committees represent the interests of local people about important issues that affect them. They look at how the decisions, policies and services of the Council and other key public agencies impact on the area and on residents. Scrutiny Committees do not take decisions but can make recommendations to decision-makers about how they are delivering on objectives.

3.2       The Transport, Economy, Environment and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee scrutinises the transport and communications infrastructure of all kinds, however owned or provided, and how the transport needs of the community are met.

3.3       Supporting business, economic development, regeneration and helping people develop their skills, including lifelong learning. The committee will also study sustainable development, climate change strategy, countryside management, waste management, environmental conservation and enhancement flooding.

3.4       Further to this, at a recent Scrutiny Board meeting held on 24 May 2024, the committee was also given the scrutiny responsibility for bereavement services, public conveniences and tourism under its remit. This is following the cessation of the Transition (LGR) Overview and Scrutiny Committee at Full Council on 15 May 2024 and the subsequent reallocation of work out to the other scrutiny committees.

4.0          Work Programme

4.1         The current committee work programme is attached at Appendix 1. It is tabled at every formal committee meeting and reviewed at every mid-cycle briefing for comments and suggested items.


5.0          Task and Finish Group

5.1         With the 2024/25 municipal year beginning, committee members may wish to consider further potential topics for task and finish groups for the forthcoming 12 months, so that any ideas can be scoped out.


6.0          Recommendations

6.1         The Committee is recommended to consider the attached work programme and determine whether any further amendments should be made at this stage.


Author of Report: Will Baines, Senior Scrutiny Officer

Contact Details: Tel: 01609 533885 E-mail:

28 June 2024